澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司(简称“澳新银行”)最新研究表明,中国和澳大利亚于 2015 年签 订的《中华人民共和国政府和澳大利亚政府自由贸易协定》(以下简称“中澳自由贸易协定”)已经产生了切实 的成效;由于投资已成为双边关系中越来越重要的一环,这一协定将为两国带来更丰厚的经济效益。
澳新银行最新发布的报告 -《大有可为,投资时代的来临: 深入解读中澳自由贸易协定》,显示了这一 具有里程碑意义的协定将有助于增长中国对澳大利亚商品的需求,同时降低中国投资者在澳大利亚投资的 成本,并为他们带来更大的资本回报。
在“中澳自由贸易协定”签署两周年之际,澳新银行集团总裁廖贤志(Shayne Elliott)先生在上海发布了 该报告。报告发布日正值廖贤志先生随澳新银行全球董事会在中国访问期间。
廖贤志先生表示:“尽管中澳自由贸易协定尚处于起步阶段,但我们已经可以见到其产生的影响。这 份报告清楚地描绘了中澳自由贸易协定下中澳关系的发展方向 – 两国之间的经济往来将更加深入和多样 化,贸易与投资也将越来越互利互惠。”
“这一协定还将使中国和澳大利亚的投资者有相当大的机会利用两国之间增加的贸易和投资流获利。特 别要指出的是,我们现在看到的贸易和投资关系正趋于多样化,不再局限于资源行业,而是拓展到农业和 服务业。”
《大有可为,投资时代的来临: 深入解读中澳自由贸易协定》要点:
• 中澳自由贸易协定是全球贸易格局中的“亮点”之一,该协定将可能推动亚太地区签订更多更优质的贸 易协定。
• 中澳自由贸易协定的签署促进了贸易及投资的多元化,并且不再仅限于资源行业,而是扩展到农业、食 品饮料、建筑业、商业地产、旅游等新的增长领域。
• 两国投资关系仍有较大的增长空间,特别是随着中国对外投资的日趋多元化以及更具战略性。这包括减 少对公司的直接收购而增加证券组合投资。
• 中国的私营企业,正在超越国有企业,成为澳大利亚的主要投资者。
• 中国投资者认为澳大利亚有着良好的商业环境。随着越来越多的澳大利亚和中国企业受惠于该协定,两 国之间的贸易和资本流将不断增加,投资机会也将随之而增多。
廖贤志先生补充说:“中澳自由贸易协定是两国支持经济全球化的开创性框架,在其签署两周年这一 具有里程碑意义的时刻,它不仅反映中澳经济关系日益深化,并且也认可了该协定将有助于进一步加强这 层关系的潜在可能性。”
该报告的电子版本以及采访澳新银行机构银行集团总裁马伟霖 (Mark Whelan)先生的访谈视频,请访问澳 新银行的自媒体网站 BlueNotes www.bluenotes.anz.com。
澳大利亚媒体联系人: Paul Edwards, +61-434-070101 Liz Rudall, +61 403 130 207
中国媒体联系人: 黄芸, +86 186 2105 2212
ChAFTA a ‘bright spot’ for global trade opens new areas of opportunity for China and Australia
The 2015 free-trade agreement between China and Australia has already made a tangible impact and will result in further economic benefits for both countries as investment becomes an increasingly important part of the bi-lateral relationship, according to new research from ANZ.
The ANZ insight report, “Now for investment: looking beyond free trade in the China-Australia Free-Trade Agreement”, found the landmark agreement will support increased demand for Australian goods in China, while lowering the cost of investment in Australia generating stronger returns for Chinese investors.
The report was completed by ITS Global for ANZ to mark the second anniversary of the signing of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) and was launched in Shanghai today by ANZ Chief Executive Officer Shayne Elliott during a week-long visit to China by the Bank’s Board.
Mr Elliott said: “Although ChAFTA is still in its infancy, we can see its impact already. This report paints a clear picture of where ChAFTA is taking the China-Australia relationship – to a deeper and more diversified economic engagement between the two countries in which trade and investment will be increasingly intertwined.
“The result is there are significant opportunities for business in China and Australia seeking to capitalise on the large and growing trade and investment flows between the two countries. In particular we are now seeing more diversification in the trade and investment relationship beyond resources and to agriculture and services,” he said.
Now for Investment Report Key Findings:
ChAFTA is one of the few “bright spots” in the global trade landscape and has potential to provide an impetus for new agreements in Asia Pacific.
The signing of CHAFTA has promoted greater diversification in trade and investment beyond resources and into new growth areas such as agriculture, food and beverage, construction services, commercial real estate, and travel and tourism.
There is still significant room for growth in the investment relationship, particularly as Chinese outward investment diversifies and becomes more strategic. This includes a trend toward less direct acquisition of companies and more portfolio investment.
Chinese private firms, rather than State-owned enterprises, are becoming bigger investors in Australia.
Chinese investors perceive Australia as a good place for business and as ChAFTA is utilised by more Australian and Chinese businesses, trade and capital flows will increase as will investment opportunities.
Mr Elliott added: “ChAFTA was a pioneering framework to guide China’s economic engagement with a developed world economy. The second anniversary of its signing is a useful milestone to reflect on the deepening economic relationship between China and Australia, and to acknowledge the potential of this agreement to enhance the relationship significantly more.”
A digital copy of the report and video interviews with Mark Whelan, Group Executive, Institutional and the report’s author Alan Oxley, Managing Director of ITS Global, are available on ANZ’s BlueNotes at www.bluenotes.anz.com.
【新闻稿】中澳自由贸易协定新亮点 – 开拓中澳贸易投资新领域.pdf